Hotels and city information

Hotels close to the venue

Many hotels are available but we recommend to choose one through the following website ( All 8 hotels are located either on walking distance or easy to get to by metro from the Kunsthal (located in the Museumpark, next to the ‘A’ symbol). Simply select the hotel and make your reservation.

The world championships rowing are taking place in Rotterdam from 21-28 August. we Therefore recommend you to book your hotel room as soon as possible.


The city of Rotterdam

Lonely planet best travel in 2016


Rotterdam, also known as ‘Manhattan on the Maas’ is a vibrant and internationally oriented harbour city that is sprawling with modern architecture. Lonely Planet has selected Rotterdam as one of the cities to visit in 2016 ( They cite “Futuristic architecture, inspired local initiatives such as inner-city canal surfing, a proliferation of art, and a surge of drinking, dining and nightlife venues make Rotterdam one of Europe's most exhilarating cities right now.” For a few nice introductory videos on the city of Rotterdam and its ambitions, please visit and

To get an impression of and be inspired by the city, please visit:


How to get to Rotterdam?

Easy! We advise you to fly to Schiphol Airport since the amount of connections to Rotterdam is much less. From there you can take the Intercity Direct train that takes you to downtown Rotterdam under 30 minutes! Students of the Holland Hogeschool made a very useful video on how to travel from the airport to Rotterdam:


We wish you a very warm welcome in Rotterdam and hope to meet you at the BMA2016 meeting!

You will not be disappointed!


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